Complete route from Calderitas to Centro, Chetumal

The Combi from Calderitas to Chetumal will cost you 8 pesos, about $.42 and will take you from Calderitas to Centro in Chetumal. While it can be a straight shot, there is one call-out option on this route for Mercado Nuevo. The Combi will drop you off at any point along the route. Simply call out “Baja!” to stop mid-block or “Baja Esquina!” to stop at the next corner. The average time between Combis is about twenty minutes depending on the number of stops. Total drive time is about thirty to forty minutes, again depending on the number of stops.

You can start your journey at any location on Coahuila Nte. in Calderitas. HELPFUL HINT: Catch the Combi coming into town even if you want to go out. It can fill up quickly and you may not want to wait twenty minutes for the next one if this one fills up.

The Combi will turn right, at the sports field, onto Calz. Centenario and take you out of Calderitas.

Turn onto Calz. Centenario at the sports field

It is a straight shot for quite a while. If you wish to go to Mercado Lazaro Cardenas (Mercado Nuevo) you will want to let the driver know either when you get on or as you approach Hospital Naval De Chetumal before the roundabout at Av. Insurgentes. Sometimes the driver will call out “Mercado!” to see if anyone needs to be dropped there, but don’t count on it. Simply reply “Si!” and the driver will turn left at the roundabout and then take a quick right onto Calle Librado E. Riviera. After two blocks the Combi will stop for those wishing to go to the Mercado.

Hospital Naval De Chetumal at Av. Insurgentes

OFF TOPIC: In my opinion, this is the best location to buy produce in Chetumal. In addition to all the stalls and Tiendas along the street, there are more in the Mercado itself.

Produce vendors along Cl. Antonio Coria at Mercado Nuevo

From here the Combi will turn right onto Cl. Antonio Coria and two blocks later turn left onto Av. Belice for the duration of your trip.If there was no need to go to the Mercado, the Combi will turn left onto Av. Centenario and proceed to the roundabout where it will make a U-turn and a quick right onto Av. Belice. From here it is a straight shot to Centro. The Combi will either go into the parking lot beside theMuseo de la Cultura Maya, or it will turn left onto Calle Cristóbal Colón and park behind the Museum.

Combi stand behind the museum on Calle Cristóbal Colón


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