With a heavy heart, I must leave Mexico and return to the U.S. Though I was working on several options to keep me here, I have been unsuccessful in my attempts to bring any to fruition.


The freelance work I had managed to procure came to a screeching halt as my legal status suddenly became an obstacle for me to continue. The children’s book I was helping with will most likely never be published, despite my best efforts. While the creator has many projects in the works, it has become apparent that few to none will ever come to be. The option presented to me was to be her charity case, which I  only accepted due to necessity. This situation became unbearable. As such, it ended abruptly. While I appreciate the assistance given in my time of need, the manner of its withdrawal is still a bitter pill to swallow.


My dear friend and Angel on Earth, Doña Mirna, has been my rock through this harrowing ordeal. From my rescue at the shelter to the time of my departure. She even proposed marriage to me to keep her friend in Mexico. Unfortunately, due to her living situation and the legal requirements, it could not be. She even went so far as to share her limited resources to ensure I had food to eat when I had no money to support myself. I am now staying with her again so we can pool our resources to help each other. She is an inspiration in humanity and kindness. And as a result, I am a better person for knowing her.


In July, I applied for a Special program to assist those who have overstayed their visa in Mexico. My friend Fernando, another local who has gone out of their way to help this old man, informed me my application was incomplete. Because I had filled it out on my phone, I only had the option to fill out one form instead of the required five. Upon hearing this information, I immediately got on the computer to reapply. After three and a half hours of redoing the complete application, a message informed me the special program had expired. The application I spent my time on for the special program was converted to a request to remedy status. The details of the special program that made it possible for me to apply was the waiver of the financial solvency requirement. Without that waiver, I am unable to qualify for Temporary Residence currently.


In the eleventh hour, I did receive another possibility. I received information concerning another possible job. While there wasn’t much time to discuss the particulars during that first contact, it sounded like an opportunity to be the golden ticket for me to stay in Mexico. Alas, this opportunity also did not pan out. Now I am back to formulating an exit strategy. Knowing I would be able to work in the U.S. and not continue to be a beggar in a foreign country.


Shortly after I arrived in Mexico, I encountered a foreigner in Cancun panhandling for money on the street outside my hotel. I could not find any kind words for him. I chastised him for begging for money from the locals to finance his travels. Now, I am hard-pressed to distinguish his behavior from my own. And it breaks my heart. Though not on the street with a cup in hand asking for spare pesos, I have become the foreigner begging from the locals, and it does not sit well with me. I have found myself in a position of barely surviving, not living. Though I continue to fight on, the damage I have inflicted upon my self-esteem is a drain on my soul that will take much reflection and correction on my part to heal.


I am now in the last days of my campaign of begging. I fully realize any efforts to find employment to remain in Mexico are futile. I am now committed to my last option. Having to beg for money for my return to the U.S., finding a place to live, and regroup once I am there.

As of this writing, I am down to two viable options. Both involve moving back to Indiana, where I have familiarity and a small network of people in my last occupations. Both options have ample local employment opportunities, and one of the options presents an opportunity to help a friend in need. While there are a couple of hurdles involved in that option, I hope it will work out for both of us. I hope two broken people can lift each other and overcome our demons. I am updating my resume in preparation for my landing in the U.S., so I can be as prepared as possible to regroup and do what I can to repay the kindness that has been shown to me. It is well beyond the time for me to transition from the despicable label of a beggar to the more desirable label of a worker that I am more accustomed to.


I am currently raising the necessary funds to get a plane ticket. As soon as I achieve that goal and firmly nail down my destination, I will fly out of Mexico. Once back in the U.S., I can start applying for any job I am qualified to take. After getting a job and getting my basic needs cared for, I will be able to send money back to Mexico to repay those who spent their hard-earned money to help me in my time of need. Then for the repayment of all the others who also helped to make sure I had money to eat and pay rent. Many have told me they do not wish to be paid back. They said they did not loan me the money they donated to the cause, and I appreciate their kindness dearly. However, I look at it as an investment in my survival. To the people who do not want their money returned, I understand. I ask that they take my repayment and put it to use by donating to a worthwhile charity or use it to pay it forward at their next opportunity. Or that is what I will do with it. Keep spreading the love and kindness shown to me to others. It could be a slow process, but I am eager to undertake it.

Next comes the bigger job of correcting the mistakes I made the first time I came to Mexico. I have learned much in my time here, and I fully intend to use this knowledge not just to my benefit but also to benefit others who will take it. There are many items I have been lugging around for almost two years that are not needed, that I will sell or donate. The proceeds will go towards things I know to be essential for my return. Living the minimalist lifestyle, as I have, makes it easier to save money to meet the requirements for temporary residency. While this will not happen as quickly as I would like, it is necessary. Continuing the work of becoming fluent in Spanish is another necessity. Researching and learning a skill that will make becoming a digital nomad will be my most time-consuming spare time activities. I also have my social media activities to maintain and improve. I hope that they will, at some point, become supplemental income.


Special thanks go out to my Tik Tok family for making my return possible. The support and love from the community are beyond words for me to fully thank you. I am dedicated to continuing to teach, inspire or just entertain you all as best as this old man can. You are my greatest inspiration and mean the world to me.   


Keep an eye on this space for updates from the States. It will take a lot of adjusting on my part to acclimate again. I am sure some of it will be easy, some will be comical, and some will be difficult. As I experience it, you will too. My motivation will waiver in taking the necessary steps to ensure my return to the land I have grown to love.  

Sur de México Muy Tranquilo

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