From applying for your Passport to landing at your destination. A guide to making your experience as stress-free as possible.


Apply for your Passport first task after deciding you want to go to another country. It is valid for ten years, so you need not worry about it expiring before you take your trip. The USPS makes this process easy. Everything from the photo to the paperwork in one appointment for around $120.00. Be aware of the times your local post office offers this service. Be sure to show up more than an hour before closing time for appointments, as it can take an hour to complete the process. They may not allow you to begin the process if you show up less than an hour before closing. In my personal experience, I left empty-handed and had to come back another day because I arrived too close to the closing time for the service, wasting time and effort. It can take several months to receive your Passport in the mail, and there may be issues, so go ahead and get it as early in the process as possible.


You have taken your first step by applying for your Passport and deciding to come to Mexico. Now it is time to gather as much information on the state(s) or cities in Mexico you are interested in visiting. This information can be gained from friends or family who have experienced the adventure, online research through travel sites, ex-pat chat rooms, and government websites. It is recommended you take advantage of all options available. Please keep these things in mind when gathering information.

Do your friends or family members share your zest for adventure and have the same interests and physical abilities? When was the travel site article published, and by whom? If the article is more than a couple of months old, it may not be as accurate as you would like. Likewise, if you see all their recommended things to do just so happen to be advertisers on their site or packages they sell, who are they helping? The comments of others are also very subjective.

Even ex-pats have biases. Some come to Mexico and expect a Mexican America where everyone speaks English and all their favorite products are readily available. I assure you, in some areas, that will not be the case. I have also seen people write horrible reviews of great locations simply because they did not consider the timing of their visit. The time of day, day of the week, or local holidays can dramatically change the dynamic of a location. One scathing review stated how disappointed they were about a point of interest with nothing to offer. They arrived during the day, on a Tuesday, and the location did not have much to offer. Just a Park along the Bay with benches and some monuments. Had they known to come during the evening, they would have discovered a very active scene with families enjoying the many food carts, activities for the children, and craft vendors, which are present every evening, especially on weekends. I know this to be true as I lived four blocks from the location and was a regular visitor.

Do not rely on a single source for information unless that source is on the ground right now to avoid disappointment. Here at   our information is updated regularly and will give you an honest boots-on-the-ground perspective.

Please note I use the word ex-pat here as that is the verbiage used by the chat rooms. Ex-pat, newcomers, and visitors are all words they use to describe themselves. To be clear, when you move to a foreign country, you become an immigrant.


What do you hope to see or do while in Mexico? Are a sandy beach and a cold margarita or cerveza all you require? Do you want to be surrounded by high-rise hotels/condominiums with the feel of spring break? Staying at an all-inclusive resort may be perfect, as everything is taken care of for you. Lodging, meals, and the day trip you may have signed up for are all scheduled and paid for, but it may be too scripted for some travelers.

Are you more comfortable with a backpack in an environment of trees, critters, cenotes, and archeological sites? Are you interested in immersing yourself in the local culture? If so, the resort areas or border towns will be disappointing, if not frustrating. With an estimated cost of $899.00USD to $1500.00USD per person to stay in one location for 5-7 days, you may want to spend less money on truly exploring and exposing yourself to the culture of Mexico and interacting with the locals. You can choose a village in a central location you are interested in exploring and stay at a hotel or hostel – not all hostels are dorms only – to use as a base camp for your adventures. While it may take more effort on your part to make it all happen, the reward could be life-affirming. For reference, the average of the costs mentioned above for a week at a resort is equal to three months of rent or three months of exploring for others.

Keep in mind not all of Mexico is beaches and jungles. You may be more comfortable in the temperate highlands or a more arid climate of sweeping deserts. The same options listed above apply here also. There are big cities with large immigrant populations and similar living conditions as the resort areas, and there are many smaller towns where you can get the same immersion in local culture. Know that the more immigrants in any given location, the higher the costs. Staying in some cities in Mexico, with large immigrant populations, your expenses can be close to or higher than in the United States. If you choose a location an hour or two away from the popular population centers, your expenses will drop dramatically. Do not worry about being trapped in a rural area with no way to get to the site you want to see. The regional bus system in Mexico is genuinely pleasant and inexpensive. Think charter buses, not city buses, and local transportation options are available in most locations.

Regardless of the path you choose to take, online Ex-pat groups can be an excellent source to get information on your area of interest. While they try to be helpful, be aware that not everyone in the group will share your vision of the perfect vacation, so ignore the naysayers who cannot fathom your personal decision. You are planning a trip they are unable to imagine doing. Many people have done what you are planning to do. And they can be accommodating in pointing out some of the nuances of that area. They know how expensive the location is and may have ideas for local attractions that may not be well known to those who do not live there. Be sure to ask for specifics on affordability, as it can be very subjective. What one person considers affordable can be cost-prohibitive to another. To avoid disappointment, be sure to cross-reference information received from these sources as you would any other.


If you do not speak Spanish, start learning now. While in resort areas, the employees who interact with the guests will speak good English. Once you leave the compound, you may be on your own. The town area near the resort may also have a higher percentage of English speakers. Once you get further out, those numbers will decrease dramatically.

At the very least, learn your numbers. 1 through 20, the tens and the hundreds are crucial. Knowing these will make everything you purchase much more straightforward and lessen the chance of being short-changed. Learn how to ask where things are. “Dónde está” can save you. The bathroom, the bank, the airport, the bus station, taxis, etc. Also, learn how to say hello and thank you. Some parts of Mexico are more formal than others, so when exchanging pleasantries knowing what to say and when to say it will bring you some street cred and respect.

Suppose you speak into your translator and hold it up for them to read, but the person on the other end may not be literate. That is not the way to build respect with the locals. You should not be afraid to try to say what is on your translator app even if you know you will mess it up completely. The locals will chuckle and be more than happy to work with you. Another local may hear you trying, and they will step in to help you with their limited English. Be sure to thank them all. My go-to line is Estoy aprendiendo – I am learning, and I smile and get smiles and nods in return and again build that much-needed street cred.


Your family physician should be able to refer you to a Travel Doctor if their practice does not offer the service. Get a consultation and decide what is suitable for you, your destination, and your activities. If you cannot get a referral, go online, and see what is available in your area. My insurance through my employer paid everything for my visit, but I would have gladly paid for the four-day course of Azithromycin for the bout of Montezuma’s Revenge I had. And yes, it took all four days. Enough said. 

Travel insurance or local insurance is a requirement in Mexico. I have never had anyone ask for proof of it, but you may. Your insurance agent should be able to refer you to a reputable company offering it, but if not, go online and get it. It is not expensive and can help prevent a vacation disaster. You will also want to let the American Embassy/consulate know of your plans and definitely fill out the Consent to Disclose form. It allows the authorities to let your family know what is going on if you have any problems.


If you are unfamiliar with any of these Apps, I recommend you download them early and put them to the test in a familiar area before traveling abroad to ensure they will serve you well.


Not all translators are created equal, and most do not work well if you are not using proper English. Slang words do not translate well. You will find out how much slang you use in everyday conversations when you start using a translator app. Even using proper English, your translator app may steer you wrong, especially with a gender-specific language like Spanish. Still, the receiving person should be able to figure out what you are trying to say. Find one that is easy to use and will give you the most significant benefit. Google Lens is also good to have as you can point your camera at printed material, and it will translate that menu, historical marker, etc. 


I have not found a better map app than this. It is easy to use on any phone or computer, and its versatility is hard to beat. It is excellent for locating places to see, eat, and sleep, and it usually has reviews written by people who have been there. Remember the tips on reviews from above. Do you want a hotel/hostel/Airbnb near your transportation hub or attractions you wish to visit? Google maps can be a good starting point for finding suitable lodging for you.


WhatsApp is commonly used here in Mexico. It is a good, economical phone/texting service many people and businesses use. It could help avoid a high phone bill, and many people in Mexico only list a WhatsApp phone number for their business. Especially food delivery services.


Suitable for starting your trip and moving around in Mexico. It will list a few options for getting from point A to point B, and points in between, using multiple types of transportation. It is usable on phones and computers and is linked to, making the transition from finding a route to making reservations for accommodations easier.


Most of the hotel Apps are very much the same. Find the one(s) you like and make some comparisons. Here is one way if you want to save as much money as possible.


Now that you have decided to come to Mexico and have a feel for the Apps that will help you manage your stay, it is time to look at flights. Google Flights is a good starting point as you can search using destination, price, and dates. It is easy to use and has a calendar with prices for each day of the month. Be aware the prices listed are the lowest possible price per person and are not a firm purchase price. When making my reservations, I have found it is not beneficial to save $4 to $10 using a booking site instead of the airline site. I have found by using the airline website, I avoided booking a flight that did not exist and would have cost me significantly more if it did exist.

Be flexible. You may find a benefit to landing in a city outside your chosen area to avoid long layovers. Many flights arriving and departing in Southern Mexico will send you to CDMX for an 8-to-12-hour layover. Creating a game plan for the time spent on a layover may not be a problem for some. If waiting in an airport is a deal killer, the regional bus lines are comfortable and inexpensive. Taking a bus for the final leg of your journey may get you where you want to go quicker, at a lower cost, and offer a scenic view of the landscape as a bonus.

There are many rules on what you can take on a plane. Some are very commonsensical, but some are amazing. Be sure to check out the TSA site below first.

Also, check your Airline website for prohibited items and baggage rules. Online info may not be as accurate as you would like, so it is best to get answers from a living and breathing person before arriving at the airport if you have questions. If you use a chat option, conduct the chat on your phone and save the conversation. I highly recommend this if you anticipate having extra baggage fees or other considerations.

You will pay an extended stay fee if your return flight is more than 14 days away. Be sure to check your airline ticket price breakdown for this fee. It will be $594MXN / $29.70USD +/-. Make sure you do not pay this tax twice. Your boarding pass will designate whether or not you paid it. You will want to know how to show the authorities proof of payment at your destination.


Keep all documents and your phone easily accessible. There may be QR codes with health questionnaires that you must fill out before entering the screening area. You will need to show your Passport and tickets a few times before you board. Wear easy-to-remove shoes and belt as you may have to take them off for screening. Your laptop needs to be screened separately from your luggage, so make it easy to remove from your baggage. Water bottles are ok, but only if they are empty. You can refill them on the other side once you pass the screening process. At some point in your flight, the flight attendants will hand out a Forma Migratora Multiple (FMM). You will need to fill out this form before you land. Yes, another document to keep handy going through customs, but it fits nicely in your Passport.


There will be a gate with agents to check your Passport and FMM card. The agent may ask about the length of your stay, and if you are staying for more than 14 days, it is best to add a week or so to your length of stay. Doing so will help compensate for any changes in plans anticipated or not. You have paid the extended stay fee, so there would not be an extra cost. They may just put 180 days, the maximum time allowed on your passport entry. They will write this on your FMM, and you will want to always carry this card with you while in Mexico. You will need to show it to any Immigration Officials you encounter during your stay, and you must have it to leave the country. If you do not have it on your person, lose it while here, or overstay your time, you could have to pay a fine. It is also a good idea to always carry your Passport with you unless you spend all your time in a resort.

Now you can go to baggage claim and pick up any checked bags you may have. Now that you have all your luggage, the officers could choose you for a random search. Cooperate completely. One prohibited item in your bags can lead to a more thorough investigation and more time spent in the airport.

Now that you have cleared customs and are out of the airport, the land of Mexico awaits! If you have never been to Mexico before, this begins your opportunity to eat the first authentic taco in your life. Savor the moment.


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